weBoost 5G Slim Low-Profile Antenna - 50 ohm (314401)

When the 5G Slim Low-Profile Antenna is connected to any weBoost multi-user cellular booster, this antenna provides enhanced reception of calls, texts and data to the booster, providing superior performance when connected in your vehicle.

weBoost 5G Slim Low-Profile 50 ohm Antenna

Say hello to optimum cellular signal and data speed enhancement.

  • 5G, 4G, LTE & 3G compatible.
  • Designed to be used as a vehicle inside antenna
  • Works with 50 Ohm amplifiers and accessories
  • Up to +5.1 dB Gain

The weBoost 314401 5G Slim Low-Profile Antenna compact design makes it simpler to install, while giving you improved performance over previous models. When connected to any weBoost multi-user cellular booster, this antenna provides enhanced reception of calls, texts and data to the booster, providing superior performance when connected in your car, truck or SUV.

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Product Parts Warranty2 Years
Product Labour Warranty2 Years
What's Included

• Low-Profile 50 ohm Antenna
• Adhesive Strip
• Alcohol Wipe
weBoost 5G Slim Low-Profile Antenna - 50 ohm